Sunday, June 21, 2009

Carrie Ann Baade's solo show, "Intemperance", at Billy Shire Fine Arts Binnorie Arts

"Intemperance", at Billy Shire Fine Arts from June 13 - July 4, 2009. Carrie Ann Baade is a great artist and I am proud to say I have shown with her a couple of times in NYC. She paints using the same traditional materials as I do but she goes one step further and paints on copper. Many of the Norther Renaissance artists used copper because it would not expand or contract like wood does. These paintings last forever and if you see one in a museum it is usually in perfect condition.

Each image on the BSFA (Billy Shire Fine Arts) site has prices and a write up on the symbolism and the meaning of each work.

Billy Shire Fine Arts
Washington Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232
(323) 297-0600

Carrie Ann Baade has a nice site and also an Etsy page where you can buy nice prints really cheap!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Movie time!

Here are two videos of my hand paintings. The first one is during the underpainting stage when I was painting in only black and white. The studio light was making everything orange so I filmed in b/w mode. Sorry it's dark. Youtube seems to make things darker than usual for some reason.

This second video is of all three paintings that I am finishing up. You get a good look at my skull and crossbones painting "Memento Mori".

Thursday, June 4, 2009

three new works just waiting to be finished off!

Here is a sneak peak of a few new paintings I am just about to finish off. I will be sending these to La Luz de Jesus Gallery in LA. I'm part of a four person show in August. I'll be shipping about 14 works for this show. It's a great mix of drawings and paintings!

These pics are from the first few layers of each work. I am just finishing these guys off now and will post more soon.

I already have one more involved image I am just about to start transferring onto a panel, and plans for at least one other. Can't talk about those right now...

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